Watercolor landscape painting for day 25

Heli Naik
Dec 27, 2021

Mountains are a beautiful object to paint in your watercolor landscape painting. Especially when you paint a snowy mountain with a green one, it looks even more beautiful. I used a photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger on Unsplash as a reference.

In this painting, I think I missed the value of the colors. In the reference picture, everything is very intense but I missed conveying it. Otherwise, I love how this one turned out. In this watercolor landscape painting, I used a different method to paint clouds. Everything together is looking very beautiful.

Watercolor landscape painting for day 25

For all of the paintings, I am using 300 gsm 100% cotton cold-pressed watercolor paper. For the colors, I am using Winsor and Newton, and Sennelier brands. They are awesome.

Thank you so much for stopping by.



originally posted on https://www.helinaik.com



Heli Naik

I am Heli & I am a watercolor artist, passionate about creating vibrant, dynamic paintings that capture the beauty of the world around us.