Not your Boring productivity hacks: A Fun and Uplifting Guide for self-employed people

Heli Naik
4 min readOct 13, 2023
Not your Boring productivity hacks: A Fun and Uplifting Guide for self-employed people
Not your Boring productivity hacks: A Fun and Uplifting Guide for self-employed people

Being self-employed is awesome!

You have the freedom to work on your terms, work on projects you like and are passionate about, and be your own boss. But it can also be challenging to stay productive when you are self-employed.

I have been working as a freelancer for the last 5 years and I know the stress. Whenever I don’t feel productive for the day, I sit with my laptop at night and go to sleep late.

In this blog, we’re going to explore the best productivity hacks for self-employed individuals that will not only make your day more productive but also leave you with a smile on your face.

The Power of Pomodoro Play

Have you ever tried the Pomodoro Technique?

It’s like a game for your brain!

Set a timer for 25 minutes and work like a champ. When the timer goes off, reward yourself with a five-minute break of pure, guilt-free fun! You can play a quick game, dance to your favorite song, or even do a mini-meditation.

It’s a fun way to maintain focus while keeping your energy levels high.

Spice Up Your Workspace

Who said your workspace has to be boring?

Add some pizzazz to your desk with colorful stationery, funky wall art, or even a mini Zen garden. Creating an inspiring workspace can make work feel like a fun adventure.

Don’t forget to personalize it with things that make you smile!

Dance Breaks — Because Why Not?

One of the best ways to boost your mood and energy is to break out into spontaneous dance sessions. Whenever you start feeling sluggish, put on your favorite song and dance like no one’s watching!

Not only will you get a good laugh out of it, but you’ll also recharge your brain for more productive tasks.

Embrace the 2-Minute Rule

Have a small task that’s been lurking on your to-do list?

The 2-Minute Rule is your ally.

If a task will take less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately. This quick win not only feels great but also frees up mental space for more exciting tasks.

Gamify Your Goals

Turn your work into a game by setting clear goals and rewarding yourself when you achieve them. You can use a points system, and once you accumulate enough points, treat yourself to something fun — a special snack, a movie night, or a new book.

The thrill of the reward will keep you motivated!

Take Mini-Adventures

Sometimes, a change of scenery is all you need to kickstart your creativity and productivity.

Take mini-adventures during your workday. Go for a short walk, explore a new coffee shop, or work from a park. It’s a fun way to break the monotony and get a fresh perspective.

Mindful Moments

Incorporate mindfulness into your day with quick, fun exercises. Try a 1-minute deep-breathing exercise or a 5-minute gratitude journaling session. These moments of mindfulness will help you stay present and reduce stress.

Embrace “Unproductive” Days

Remember, not every day has to be a productivity masterpiece. It’s okay to have “off” days. Instead of beating yourself up, accept them as part of the journey.

Take a break, pamper yourself, or simply relax guilt-free. It’s these breaks that often lead to the most creative breakthroughs!

Being self-employed can be a thrilling adventure, and with these fun productivity hacks, your days are sure to be more exciting and rewarding.

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey and embrace the ups and downs. After all, life’s all about balance, and there’s no fun in being productive if you can’t have a good laugh along the way.

So, go ahead, try out these hacks, and let the fun flow into your self-employed life!

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Heli Naik

I am Heli & I am a watercolor artist, passionate about creating vibrant, dynamic paintings that capture the beauty of the world around us.